Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Birmingham Blogoverse continues to expand.

About Brum is a new blog by Christopher Woods. Very early days but it appears to be in the vein of B:INS and this site. One to watch develop with interest.

Up Yer Brum is a Birmingham-specific Digg where people can submit stories and vote them up or down the list. You can also tag your photos and blog posts with "upyerbrum" and have they appear automagically on the site. Created by Nick Booth of Podnosh and Jon Bounds of B:INS this has some weight and thought behind it and with be worth watching. Be warned, though, it's still early days.

The Chamberlain Forum has a blog. What's the Chamberlain Forum?
The Chamberlain Forum exists to promote vigorous debate on new practices, ideas and policy to refresh our neighbourhoods. We believe that local people can be the engine room for neighbourhood improvement, and that they should have the support, advice, and resources to help their community flourish.

It has grown from the Chamberlain Lectures, which bring some of Britain’s key thinkers and policy makers into the heart of Birmingham’s neighbourhoods.

Now we are beginning a series of varied events which will tap into the energy and expertise within the city, bringing together local politicians, practitioners and residents to learn from each other and seek solutions to the problem of how we develop thriving places to live.
I see Nick Booth is involved with this one too. He gets around a bit, eh?


Blogger bounder said...

cheers Pete - we've got high hopes for upyerBrum, i think the Brum 'blogosphere' (eeew!) is grown up enough to do a 'digg' without some of the rubbish that that seems to go through.

April 28, 2007 at 7:35 PM  

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