Monday, April 9, 2007

Rowland Emett

D'log has uncovered a cartoonist and kinetic sculptor from Birmingham that I'd never heard of, but then I'm not that hot on my Punch cartoonists, to my shame. I always figured that was something I'd catch up on in my later years. Rowland Emett is worth noting though because his style looks so darned familiar.

Something about the decoration on the chimney and the general curves and detail in his work rings a bell, not to mention the characters. That said there is a genera style to the Punch cartoonists, the most famous example being Ronald Searle but even so.

Of course I'm mainly interested in the cartoons but he also made models, often based on his drawings which were realistic enough to be recreated in reality. There's even a subculture of people who make their own. And then he did the kinetic sculptures, some of which go on display in Ontario each year as show in this video:

Reminds me a bit of Tim Hunkin's work.

I like finding out about Brummies like him. It's another example of that whole "Art and Industry" thing from the coat of arms and that pleases me.

I think we should make more of a fuss about Rowland Emett. At the very least an exhibition of his work should be a lot of fun.

Some images
More at D'log


Blogger It's The Gardening Lady said...

You can see an Emmett sculpture - a clock - in Nottingham's Victoria Centre. On the quarter hour it plays music and lots of little animals dance round. When it was new, years ago, people used to crowd round waiting for it to start up. Less so now!

April 9, 2007 at 9:23 PM  

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